Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Barn Swallow Nesting

Who would have thought that if a birder looks up, he or she will find great things.  This past weekend I did just this and I discovered the awesomeness of what is the Barn Swallow nest.  I discovered several Barn Swallow nests in Northeastern Pennsylvania this past weekend...a few at Lake Scranton in Scranton, PA and a couple more at a Shop Rite Plaza in Daleville, PA.  Both locations were active nesting sites.  This was the first time I had seen a Barn Swallow nest in person.  You can see the mud pellets that were carried by the swallows to construct the abodes.  These birds almost always make their nests in made made structures.  Check out the photos!

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Barn Swallow nest at Shop Rite Plaza - Daleville, PA

Each time I approached the nest pictured above, this little guy would poke his head out and make sure I was keeping some distance..

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Barn Swallow nests at Shop Rite Plaza - Daleville, PA

There were several nests at the Shop Rite Plaza that were constructed exactly as you can see in this photo.  Look up the next time you take a visit to the supermarket!

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Bridge at Lake Scranton

Bridge located at the northern tip of Lake Scranton.  You can see there is a smaller looking structure to the left of the bridge.  This is where the Barn Swallows were nesting.  We were able to find the nests by watching the swallows.  One brought food back to one of the nests and we were in business.

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Two Swallows on ledge at Lake Scranton, PA

You can see the two Barn Swallows standing on the ledge, watching me and my fiance with our cameras.  Before we approached the nest, they tried to ward us off by flying around us looking acrobatic and even flying very close to us at one point.  We made sure to take our photos and run because we did not want to disturb them more than we already did.

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Barn Swallow sentries at Lake Scranton, PA

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Barn Swallow nest at Lake Scranton, PA

barn swallow, barn swallow nest, barn swallow nesting
Barn Swallow nest with nestlings at Lake Scranton, PA

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